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Lemon of the Month: Chevrolet Camaro Rear Differential

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Lemon of the Month: Chevrolet Camaro Rear Differential

When you buy a performance car, you expect it to perform at the top of its game. High-performance vehicles like the Chevrolet Camaro come with a hefty price tag. When you hear groans and rumbles from the back end, you would expect the dealership would be motivated to keep you happy. But many consumers facing Chevrolet Camaro rear differential problems have found the dealerships dismissive of, or unable to fix, the problems they face. Find out what your options are when the dealership refuses to fix your vehicle.

Consumers Complain of Chevrolet Camaro Rear Differential Problems

It starts when you first turn on your car. From that first turn out of your driveway, you can hear groans, rumbles, and clunks from your back end. Your 2016 Chevrolet Camaro isn’t living up to its reputation as a top performance vehicle. Instead, you are fighting with rear differential problems that are noisy, frustrating, and make driving difficult.

You’re not the only one. Many Camaro drivers have reported this problem to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and their local dealerships. But General Motors (Chevrolet’s parent company) refuses to address the problem. Dealers tell consumers to flush the transmission or replace the transmission fluid and everything will be fine. Others are told it is just part of owning a high-performance vehicle and once the car warms up it won’t make the same noises.

But purchasing a high-performance vehicle doesn’t mean consumers give up their right to be free from vehicle defects. The noises and shakes resulting from the Chevrolet Camaro’s rear differential problem create a risk of harm, not to mention the inconvenience suffered by vehicle owners trying to correct the problem.

Your Options When Dealerships Fail to Deliver on Repairs

Michigan’s Lemon Law says that as a consumer, you have the right to be sold a vehicle without defects or conditions that “substantially impair[] the use or value of the new motor vehicle.” If something is wrong when you buy a new car, the manufacturer or dealership needs to make it right within a “reasonable number of repairs”. According to the law, that is limited to:

  • 3 or fewer repairs for the same problem within 2 years (if the first repair was in your first year of owning the vehicle)
  • 30 days (or parts of days) in the shop over the first year you owned the vehicle

On the third repair or the 25th day, you have the right, under Michigan law, to notify the manufacturer of the problem. This gives the manufacture one last chance to fix it. If repairs are not completed within 5 days, you are allowed to demand a refund or replacement vehicle. When the manufacturer refuses, you can file a civil lawsuit to protect your consumer rights.

There are also other state and federal consumer protection laws that may apply depending on whether you purchased the car new or used, have a lease, and other details of the sale. Depending on the exact nature of the defect, and the specific statute your lemon law lawyer uses to file your complaint, you may also be entitled to:

  • Repurchase or replacement of your “lemon” vehicle
  • Reimbursement for towing
  • Reimbursement for car rental
  • Reimbursement of other related expenses
  • Double or triple damages
  • Attorney fees

The Liblang Law Firm, PC, Comes to Consumers Aid

At The Liblang Law Firm, PC, we get cars. We know what it means when groans and rumbles signal bigger problems, and we can help you get the relief you deserve. After our client had taken his 2016 Chevrolet Camaro in eight times with rear differential problems, we helped him file a lemon law complaint against the manufacturer and the dealership, to protect his rights as a consumer.

We can help you too. If repairs and replacements are making you feel like a “regular” at your dealership, and you are tired of being dismissed, you are entitled to compensation. Our lemon law attorneys have been helping consumers fight back against auto defects for over 30 years. We will review your case and help you get relief for your trouble. Get started now. Contact The Liblang Law Firm, PC, for a free consultation.

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We Can Help

Even if your vehicle doesn’t qualify for Lemon Law protection, we understand that a serious defect can significantly impact your car’s use, value, and safety. If you’re facing this situation, know that you’re not alone. There may be other legal avenues available to help you resolve the issue. Let’s discuss your specific circumstances to explore potential solutions.