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Wrongful Termination FAQs

We are here to defend your career and seek
justice for victims of wrongful termination.
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Michigan Wrongful Termination FAQs

Advocating for Victims of Wrongful Termination

At The Liblang Law Firm P.C., we understand that losing a job can be a devastating experience, especially if you believe your termination was unjust. Below are some frequently asked questions about wrongful termination to help you understand your rights and options.

When Is Termination Considered Unlawful?

Termination is considered unlawful when it violates federal or state laws designed to protect employees. In Michigan, most employment relationships are “at-will,” meaning an employer can terminate an employee for any reason or no reason at all, as long as the reason is not illegal. Unlawful terminations include those that breach employment contracts or violate anti-discrimination and labor laws. For example, firing an employee in retaliation for filing a complaint about illegal activities at work is considered unlawful.

What Are Illegal Reasons to Fire an Employee?
How Can I Prove That I Was Wrongfully Terminated?
What Damages Can I Receive?
Is Wrongful Termination a Form of Retaliation?
How Can Employees Protect Themselves If They Were Wrongfully Terminated?

Speak to a Knowledgeable Attorney

If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, The Liblang Law Firm P.C. is here to help. Contact us today for a consultation to discuss your case and explore your legal options.


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